Greetings Brothers and Sisters,
In recognition of National Employee Appreciation Day, and on behalf of CSEA 9200, we would like to thank our members for their hard work and dedication.
It’s been 3 years since COVID arrived with chaos, change, fear and uncertainty and throughout all of it the members of CSEA stood strong. From the front lines to the office buildings, we were united.
You cared for our water and roads, our children and elderly, those with disabilities and special needs. You made summer arrive, with pools and parks and our scientists continued their vital work without delay.
Our CSEA 9200 members continue to serve Westchester County from border to border with pride and professionalism. “We Make Westchester Work” is more than simply a slogan, it is our continued commitment because of you.
In Solidarity,
Hattie Adams
President CSEA Unit 9200
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