Member Resources

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Deduct your union dues on your New York state tax return.  Details here.


Top 5 Reasons Why Unions Matter 



Non-Members Lose These Rights
Do you know that CSEA is no longer required to represent employees who are not CSEA union members?  This change to the NYS Taylor Law is from April 2018.  Union membership has benefits besides wages, work rules, pensions, and health insurance.  Make sure you stay #UnionStrong.
This flier spells it out:

NonMembers Lose These Rights DFRFlyer


CSEA Union Membership Application.  Simply complete and sign the membership application and become a CSEA Union Member.  You will then have the right to vote every 4 years in union elections for Unit 9200 leadership and vote on the CSEA Unit 9200 contract proposal.  You will also receive all the legal and union protection rights detailed above should you need them.

CSEA MembershipForm

2019 Payroll Information for Westchester Employees including CSEA dues

2019 Payroll Info


NY Voter Registration Form:  

Voting in our local, state and national elections is a right of all United States citizens.  Has your address changed?  Did you recently get married or divorced and changed your name?  Do you know your Voting District number?  Do you have children reaching the age of 18 and eligible to register to vote? To be certain you and they are able to vote if any of these have taken place, fill out a voter registration form and mail it to your local NY Board of Elections listed on page 2.
You may also call the Unit 9200 office to get a voter registration form (914) 995-2151.

NY state voter look-up web page:

2 pages w instructions on where to mail it:



